FIFA World Cup News and Other Soccer/Football Stories

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

FIFA Calls for Another Test Game at World Cup Opening Stadium

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FIFA has demanded for one more test game at the Sao Paulo stadium where the opening match of the World Cup will take place. This is after problems surfaced over the weekend at the venue's inaugural match.
FIFA World Cup Brazil
not the actual arena
The Arena Corinthians held its first official match on Sunday between the Figueirense and Corinthians soccer teams as part of the Brazilian National Championship tournament.

FIFA was prompted to ask for another test after Sunday's game where not all the seats required for the World Cup were installed in time. FIFA requires the venue to seat 68,000 spectators but only 40,000 were used for Sunday's match. The other 28,000 seats are temporary and will only be used during the World Cup.

The second test game will take place on 29th of May between Corinthians and Cruzeiro. Some problems occurred during Sunday's test game due to an unfinished roof that forced fans to scramble for covered seats because of heavy rain. Part of the roof that will cover the rest of the seats at the stadium won't be finished until after the World Cup, according to the local media.

Read more about FIFA's demands:

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