FIFA World Cup News and Other Soccer/Football Stories

Monday, March 31, 2014

Death Toll Rises in World Cup Stadium Construction

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A Brazilian construction worker died after falling at the Sao Paulo stadium where the football World Cup is due to start on 12 June, BBC News reported. This is the third death at the new stadium after two workers were killed when a crane collapsed last November. It was the eighth death at World Cup venues so far.
 Itaquero stadium

Fabio Hamilton da Cruz fell about 25ft (8m) while helping install temporary seats at the Itaquerao stadium construction company. He was pronounced dead just before he was expected to undergo surgery. 

Brazil promised that all twelve stadiums would be ready by the end of last year but only six were completed by the scheduled date. Construction was already behind schedule because of the damage caused by the earlier accident in November. 

Read more about the tragic death:

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